Anna Homler: Macaronic Sines

Anna Homler / Geert Waegeman /
Pavel Fajt
Macaronic Sines

1. Volapu Smile 4:52
2. Bottle Song 4:38
3. Torch Tango 4:23
4. Komida Kapak 3:19
5. Angles, Beasts and Cowboys 5:35
6. Roma 3:27
7. Warp Sas 5:30
8. Bridge 4:11
9. Sine Wave Waltz 2:57
10 Postcard from Azna Sind 5:56
11. Ele'Luku, Part I 2:38, Part II 2:25
12. M'Bo Ye Ye 2:41
13. Blue Movies, Secret Agents 4:24
14. The Mystery of the Knife, Fork and Spoon 3:17
15. OO Na To'Ye 3:25

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